
Tuesday 14 June 2016

Celebrating G'Gina's Kitchenette's Fourth Blogiversary: Mango Jam Rolls with Cremé, Fresh Mangoes and Jam filling #BreadBakers

This challenge could not have been announced at a better time when Mangoes are in plentiful! So I got to try many a recipe involving the delicious Mango this year.

It is Monsoons here now as I type this so the number and variety of mangoes have significantly dwindled. I explored recipes with at least 4-5 types of mangoes this year.

I could not post my Bread Bakers' recipe in time for May's event of theme ' Rolls' owing to the issue with the Daylight savings time. I had made Cinnabon-style Cinnamon Rolls. I missed by an hour or so. So this time I posted well in advance.

These particular rolls were made with Bangenapalli variety of mangoes which is named after a town in the state of  Andhra Pradesh in India. A friend and neighbour, Divya who hails from the lovely city of Vizag in Andhra Pradesh, loves these mangoes and she could not find the sweeter variety here in Kochi, Kerala. So when I did stumble on a few of these sweeter varieties, I decided to make the Jam rolls for this month's Bread Bakers' challenge with them. And also to give Divya a tasting of these rolls.

The only regret in making these Jam rolls were that I should have made it with a bigger batch. With my little one's school about to start, I had a lot of long standing tasks and errands to complete during the holidays. I am almost about to reach the end of that list. Wish me luck with it! It certainly needs it.

Divya returned with the feedback that this roll was nice. Hubby and daughter loved it too. It was moist, flavoursome, creamy, punchy as well.

I had made some Mango Jam earlier which I used in the dough and also there were chopped up mangoes in the filling along with some chilled cremé. I will share the recipe of the Mango Jam soon.

You can also use ready to use Mango Jam in case you have not made any or you can pulp mango and add instead.

I had earlier made a roulade to celebrate G'Gina's Kitchenette's First Blogiversary so these smaller ones were less of a challenge to roll up. It has been 3 weeks since G'Gina's Kitchenette's Fourth Blogiversary. I had just posted G'Gina's Kitchenette crossing 100,000 page views with the Mango Soufflé.  So I would like to share this recipe also as a part of our Fourth Blogiversary celebrations!

June's Bread Bakers event was chosen by the lovely Mireille Roc of The Schizo Chef. The theme is Stone fruit - Bread and could include peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines, mangoes, etc. - in any form - juice, fresh fruit or dried fruit. The only condition being that the  stone fruit should be included the dough or mix.

You need:

  • Baking paper or parchment paper
  • 3 large eggs (in my case homebred)
  • 100 gms powdered sugar or castor sugar
  • 1 tsp baking powder (optional)
  • 150 ml chilled cremé ( I used low fat Amul cremé, chilled overnight and whey removed) or you can use double cremé if readily available
  • Icing sugar or castor sugar or powdered sugar to dust
  • 100 gms plain flour
  • Mangoes (chopped in very small pieces) -  4 tbsp
  • 100 gms Homemade Mango Jam (recipe to follow) or Mango Jam or Mango Pulp 

The Make:
Makes 6 small rolls | Preparation time: 15 minutes + overnight chilling time | Baking time: 15 minutes | Resting time: 20 minutes | Chill time: 30 minutes (optional)

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a 25 x 30 cms cake pan or a Swiss roll pan with parchment paper. Cut the corners to fit the tray.
2. Beat the eggs and sugar until a ribbon trail is formed when the beater is raised. Add the Mango Jam or Mango pulp (set aside 2 tsp of the jam for the filling). Add 2 tsp of the chopped mangoes and the baking powder (optional) as well and fold. I made the first batch without baking powder and then added to a second batch. Not much of a difference. I think the mangoes added some rising factor.
3. Sift a ladle of flour each into the egg mixture and use another ladle to fold until well combined. Repeat with the remaining flour until all of it is added.
4. Carefully pour the mixture into the pan and give the pan a shake to level. Then smoothen the surface of the mix with the back of a ladle.

5. Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through. Remove the sponge from the oven and lift the parchment paper carefully onto a clean chopping board or surface.
6. Using a serrated knife cut the sponge into half lengthwise.

7. Place one half on a clean tea towel. Roll the half lengthwise and set on a surface to cool. Repeat with the other half. Allow it to rest for 20 minutes.

8. Meanwhile, whisk the cremé with some sugar (if your jam is not sweet enough).
9. Carefully unroll the first roll, spread some jam on it lightly and then some cremé lightly in the center of the roll and sprinkle with a tsp each of mango pieces in the centre.
10. Carefully roll from one end and cut once the filling is covered. Repeat until 3 pieces are cut.
11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 for the second roll. Serve the rolls with tea or coffee on a platter and sprinkle with some icing sugar through a small round sieve.

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page.

We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.

If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send Stacy an email with your blog URL to #BreadBakers - Stone Fruit


  1. Happy Blogiversary! Best wishes to many more years of sharing great recipes like this one.

  2. Oh my goodness, these sound amazing! And mango jam! Delicious!

  3. Looks as moist as cake! Yum.

  4. What a lovely treat these would be-- packed with mango and so pretty!

    1. Thanks whole heaps Holly. Mango-ey goodness!

  5. such a lovely roll there, looks very scrumptious for Breadbakers !

  6. I love these little mini cake rolls. Adorable.

  7. Oh that looks divine. So different. I have some fresh fruit preserve will ty5 this

    1. Thanks Priya. Yes you must tell me how it turns out. :)

  8. Gorgeous bread to celebrate four years of blogging! Lovely share.

  9. Banganepalle mangoes are THE BEST in my opinion. I miss them a LOT.
    Your mango jam rolls look stunning. Congratulations on your blog anniversary.

  10. wow - this looks so scrumptious - YOu are so lucky to get so many varieties of mango - we only get three here

    1. Thanks Mireille...yes I love that about India too , lots of mango varieties. The rolls did turn out awesome, the only regret being..I misjudged and made too few. What you see on the plate was all that had been there plus a test one ;)

  11. Happy blog anniversary ☺ i didnt bake even once in my life and want to try baking. Looks yumm and steps are easy to follow. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Mahathi :) Yes this is super easy. You should try it if possible.

  12. This reminds me of a swiss roll cake. It looks lovely.


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