
Tuesday 9 June 2015

Whole Wheat Pita Bread #BreadBakers

"Baking is such an emotional process...a lot of memories come flowing through with each rise and fall."

"Mummy, every recipe I will ever start to make or write will always take your name first! Even the famous Sanskrit quote (that Daddy has always quoted..) Matha, Pitha, Guru, Deivam starts with the Matha (Mother).I miss you like crazy. A huge part of my being has gone with you. I hope I told you enough number of times of how much I love you and though you have probably not argued with anyone more than me, I have told you that without you Mummy I am nothing. Your every advice and words are engraved in my heart and soul forever. I will wait to see you as I know now that Lord has taken you for His Purposes and I am no one to question that but please don't ever leave my side. I pray that though He has taken my Guardian Angel on earth, He always allows you to be my guiding force through Him as you were when you were physically here. Waiting to see you Mummy!"

So I joined this lovely group of BreadBakers last month. Unfortunately even as I got ready to post my first ever recipe as per the BreadBakers theme, I heard of the tragic demise of my dear, dear Mummy who has been my everything all through my life and my prime inspiration of all my cooking and baking. She along with our Lord has been with me through thick and thin and every rise and fall in my life. So I can only pray they continue being with me even more strongly from now on.

This month's host at BreadBakers is Mireille Roc of The Schizo Chef  who chose Yeastly 
Flatbreads. This is an amazing theme to contribute towards as my first post to #BreadBakers as I always have seen Mum love her Zaatar manakish or flatbreads such as Kuboos or Pita Bread with Hummus and Garlic paste. Thank you Mireille for hosting this event and for choosing this theme.

I made the Whole Wheat Pita Bread in my Mum's Kitchen this time as I am with my Dad now. And since we are on Lent till Mum's 40th day of demise, I accompanied this Pita Bread with Hummus

You can bake your Pita Bread but this time I chose the stove top as the oven is not handy at the home we presently stay at. Baking in the oven definitely would be the better option. I will try and include that make the soonest possible as G'Gina's Kitchenette is getting ready to make a new change/ announcement in the weeks ahead that may affect my presence at the next BreadBakers event as well (that will have to wait for now as I am taking each day as it comes during this heartbreaking time).

Pita or Pitta bread is famous to the Mediterranean or Middle Eastern regions and is what I grew up eating as a staple next to Chapati. I have always loved the smell and taste of toasty Pita Bread with Cheese as a filling or topping...yumm! Also known commonly as Khubz or Kuboos, Pita bread is a soft, slightly leavened wheat bread that has this marvelous pocket as you cut/tear it open that can be filled with a whole herd of fresh and delicious ingredients such as Falafel, Cheese, LaHm (meat) of your choice.

Ever since Mum's passing there has been rains every now making it quite dark and lacking enough natural light. And also the dusk comes in quite early. So I have to admit that whilst I would have loved to take brighter pictures, I just about managed to come up with these photos of my make with alternatives. The heart wouldn't allow to go on trying as it is quite heavy with the loss of Mummy. She used to make me these warm and toasty Pita/Khuboos breads with my favourite spoons of cheese. I was born and raised in Dubai, UAE which is why Mediterranean / Middle Eastern food is close to my heart always and just the smell of which is laden with sweet memories.

Whole Wheat Pita Bread

You need:

  • 3 (quarter litres) cups whole wheat flour
  • ½ tbsp active dry yeast
  • ½ tbsp salt
  • A pinch of sugar
  • 1.5 tbsp olive oil
  • 1¼ cup warm water

The Make: 

Preparation Time: 15 minutes + 2 hrs resting time | Cooking Time: 24 minutes-36 minutes | Makes 6 Pita breads

Making the dough:

1. Add ½ cup of the warm water into a small bowl along with a pinch of sugar and the yeast and stir to dissolve. Set aside for 15 minutes in a dark, warm place (at room temperature in warm weather). Note 1*
2. In a fairly large bowl, add the rest of the warm water followed by the flour, olive oil, salt and mix lightly with a large spoon.
3. Check to see if the yeast has frothed, otherwise discard and begin again. If frothed, then add it to the flour mixture bowl. Knead well into a soft and smooth dough.
4. Grease the same large bowl with olive oil. Ensure that the dough has the oil applied all over it. Cover the bowl with a kitchen towel or napkin and allow it to rest for at least an hour and a half or even up to 2 hours in case of cooler weather.

5. Uncover the bowl and you would see that the dough has doubled up.

*Thought twice about adding the above pic and decided to give you the 'real' view of the doubled dough.

6. Transfer the dough from the bowl to a neat working surface and deflate the dough by gently punching into the dough.
7. Divide the dough into 6 equal medium-sized balls. Cover with the kitchen towel again and allow to rest for 10 minutes.

8. Dust the working surface with flour and roll each ball into round circles of 6" each in diameter and about ¼" thick.

9. Again cover the rolled out circles with a kitchen towel and let them rest for 10 minutes separately (not stacked up) on parchment paper or even just on a large plate.

Making the Pita Bread on the stove top:

1. Heat a skillet.
2. Place the bread on to the skillet and cover and cook each side for 2-3 minutes on medium heat. Try to cover the skillet using a transparent lid to see the rising action.
3. Cut the Pita bread in half and you would find pockets as described above. Stuff it with your favourite fillings or just use it as a dipper with hummus. It is quite comforting esp. with the downpour outside.

1* What Mum had taught me was when the weather got cool, to warm up the oven/microwave for a minute or two and turn off the heat. Then set the bowl of yeast mixture in the oven and allow it to rest. 
2* In case the dough becomes too sticky than add some more flour. 
3* While proving the yeast, ensure warm water and not cold/hot water is used. Otherwise the resultant dough would most likely fail.

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme.  Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient. If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send Stacy an email with your blog URL to

Yeasty Flatbreads from the #BreadBakers



  1. My condolences to you and your family with the passing of your mother.

    Your whole wheat pita looks absolutely stunning. Whole wheat pita is a staple food in our house. We purchase from a Mediterranean Market and hold in the freezer for daily use. I love that you have posted how to prepare - I will have to give this a try in my kitchen!

    Thank you for a very nice post.

    1. Thanks Cali. I am glad you liked my make. That is nice to know. Do let me know once you make it. Would love to see a pic of your make!

  2. Welcome to Bread Bakers! My condolences for the loss of your mom. She has to be smiling from your thoughts and baking in her honor.

    1. Thanks Renee. I am glad to be a part of the Bread Bakers family. I sure hope she is :)

  3. lovely pita!! i like mine loaded with lots fresh veggies, fresh labneh and hummus, perfecto!!!

  4. I am so very sorry for your loss. I know your mom was baking along with you in spirit. Lovely pita, and lovely memories of your Mum.

    1. Thanks a lot Jenni. I am sure she was and hope she always does.

  5. I love Pita breads... It is a whole lot easier way for me to give my kiddo veggies stuffed in Pita Bread..

    1. Thanks Shilpi for your thoughts. I always had a poor appetite (not for veggies) as a kiddo but staples like rice, etc and so I guess Mum found a way through Pita breads to help me eat :)

  6. Your whole wheat pita looks perfect. I am so sorry about your mother. A warm welcome to the group. We all put our collective arms around you.

    1. Thank you so much Karen. Even as we lost mum, I feel so welcome by this beautiful family #BreadBakers! <3

  7. So sorry for your loss and happy that you have pleasant memories to help you through. I'm sure your Mum is very proud.

    1. Thank you so much Wendy. I sure hope she is <3

  8. I'm on a pita kick now. I'm ready to try your whole wheat version!

    1. let me know how it turns out Cindy :)

  9. My heart goes out to you. What a lovely tribute to your mother, her spirit will live on through you and may you continue to honor her memory as you bake and cherish those memories you made in the kitchen together.

    1. Thank you so much Holly! I surely hope she does..I almost threw in the towel on baking for a while and then realised what a grave insult it would be to my Mum's generous soul I will bake until my last breath and hope that she will continue to inspire me every step of the way! <3

  10. I am glad that you could join us this month, Georgina. You did your mother proud with this beautiful recipe. It must help the grieving process to honor her by remembering everything she taught you.

    1. Thanks Stacy for the opportunity. It is really helping the grieving process a lot and interacting with all of you lovely people at Breadbakers too is helping the healing process. I would have been a fool if I went with my initial thoughts of sealing up the oven for a while. Baking truly helps! Feel mum's presence around <3

  11. I love pitas and that's so cool that you come up with healthy version.............

    1. Thanks Vimala. Mum's cooking has always been based on healthy options..I will continue her tradition for life and hopefully pass it on to my darling daughter as well.

  12. I bake pitas often as they are included in my classes. I teach culinary classes to kids after school and it is one of their favorite things we make. But I never cooked them on stove top before. Like how soft and fluffy they look. Will have to try this method one time just to note the difference.
    My condolences to you and your family

    1. Thanks Mireille. I love that you teach kids cooking. Wish we were nearby so my little one could learn from you too. She is picking up on a little from me.Yes this method was the only option I had since I am with Daddy and we only have an oven in the other home so can't go out of the way at the moment as a lot to be done still for Mum's 40th, etc. Made this for dinner one night.

  13. Such beautiful words! I'm glad that you were able to share this with us.

    1. Thanks Kelly! I am glad I was able to as well :)

  14. So sorry for your loss Georgina..I am sure mom is around to bless and guide every step of your life..
    And this is such a tasty bake. I would love to place a veggie filling and dig in :)

    1. Thanks PJ. I sure hope she is always with me guiding me through! Do give it a go and let me know how it turns out :)

  15. My condolences to you and your family on your loss Georgina. I'm sure she'll be looking out for you all the time.
    Pita bread came out soft & fluffy.

    1. Thanks a lot Pavani. It would be fabulous to have her by my side and guiding me always!

  16. I'm so sorry for your loss, Georgina. I know how proud your mum must be to have you bake these beautiful pitas in her honor. Thank you for sharing a little bit of her with us. Much peace to you and your family.

    1. Thank You Robin. I sure hope I do her proud each time. Thank you for your beautiful thoughts and words. <3

  17. My condolences for the loss of your mom. She is so happy to see daughter bake this prefect bread.


"I would love to hear your views and suggestions on my post. If you have tried my recipe and made alterations too, I would love to learn of it!

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Thanks in advance for all your positive comments, suggestions and critiques..I will respond to your comments and feedback as soon as possible....

Waiting to hear from you!"